About Intercam SA
Since 2008, Intercam SA has proudly been an authorized distributor of Robotmaster, an innovative offline programming software for industrial robots. And for over 30 years, we’ve also been a trusted distributor of CAD/CAM software. Our passionate sales and applications engineering team is committed to delivering top-notch sales and support to the region through our network of resellers and robot integrators.
Intercam SA is responsible for distributing Robotmaster to the following regions:
EMEA – Europe, Middle East, and Africa ASIA and ASIA Pacific
The regions covered by Intercam SA are displayed in red on the map.
Robotmaster 是一款用户友好的软件,可让您针对各种应用对各种工业机器人进行编程和模拟。
- 导入CAD模型
- 生成用于切割、焊接、抛光、喷涂等的路径轨迹。
- 在机器人仿真环境中加载轨迹
- 自动识别机器人错误(超程、达到极限、碰撞和奇点)并使用一系列强大的工具快速解决它们。
- 生成无错误的机器人就绪代码。
We are looking for New Software Resellers and Integrators!
If you are interested in reselling Robotmaster software and understand the value of Robotic Offline Programming, please contact Intercam SA. We distribute Robotmaster software in Europe, Asia, and Asia Pacific.
为什么选择 Robotmaster?
集成 OLP 软件只需要机器人流程专家学习 Robotmaster 软件即可。
全天候提供 100 多个详细且易于遵循的分步视频课程,帮助您学习如何使用 ROBOTMASTER。我们的视频与 PC、IOS 和 Android 兼容,因此您可以随时随地访问它们。