Robot Simulation
Robotmaster simulator
When individuals search for software for robotic offline programming, they often look for robot simulation software. These types of solutions have been around for many decades.
Since robots were typically sold for high-volume production, the programming process involved teaching the robot point by point, which is still widely practiced today for handling/pick and place. The robot manufacturer usually provides robot simulation software to simulate a particular robot brand.
However, these solutions have limited capability and are not the best option for offline robot programming.

Robot cell and tooling
chosen for the application
Joint and external axis
with limits
Operations assigned to
the robot cell.
Green dots means "Go"
Operations not assigned to any
robot cell and setup
Define and use different
robot frames
Simulation control bar
Graphical visualization area
Robot process
parameter added to
the point list
Different robot points as
joint, linear, circular,
Robotmaster's simulation environment is the ultimate solution for robot programming. With its advanced tools, you can easily identify and solve errors, simulate and validate robot paths, and generate robot-ready code with unmatched confidence.
Benefits of a robot simulation software solution vs Robotmaster:
- It is a robot programming and simulation environment
- Simulation software only simulates the program. No robotic error resolution tools.
- Simulation software is only a teaching environment
- Robotmaster offers a solution to visualize and quickly resolve robotic errors.
- Auto solver resolves robotic errors and collisions
- Advanced tools to optimize the tool orientation and robotic posture
- Visual tools
- Process millions of points fast!!!

Simulation vs Programming
Identifying robotic errors
Point-by-point identification of errors
Fixing robotic errors
Manually point-by-point
Optimization of programs
No specific tools
Programs are optimized by manual editing
Robotic expertise is required by end-user
No robotic expertise required
Task programming (CAD to path)
Point-by-point teaching
Simple contours
Importing paths
Application based robot specific paths from simple to complex geometries
Workspace, transitions
External axis
Multiple robotsGeneric manual interaction
Fixed constraint based programming
Single robot programming with simulation validationOptimized programming and management of external axes
Sequential robot programming and simulation
Graphical interaction tools
Teach pendant style robot jogging
Manual editing of program points and part positionning
Robotmaster’s kinematic error resolution tools have been evolving since the launch of the Optimization tool in 2009.
This marked the beginning of a user-friendly yet robust solution for industrial robot programming. Over time, the interactive method has transformed into an automated error-solving process that requires only one or two clicks.
Identify and visualize robotic errors
Robotmaster can automatically detect kinematic errors and collisions without simulating the entire path. Here are some of the core issues:
- Singularity
- Out of reach
- Joint limits
- Overtravel
- Wrist flip
- Collisions
Auto Solver
The simulation interface in Robotmaster displays errors visually, either from the operations or points list. The software offers automatic robotic error and collision avoidance within its simulation environment, making it easy to resolve most or all issues with just one or two clicks. In addition, interactive tools are available to quickly improve the tool orientation and resolve any remaining complex errors.
Optimal part placement analyzer
Using the robotic workspace analyzer, optimal part placement can be quickly identified to address any reach issues. This dynamic tool allows for the selection of the best robot configuration and part location.
Easy Transitions between operations
Easily create collision-free transitions between operations using the Transition Manager. You can create a graphical transition between operations while dynamically calculating and avoiding errors and collisions or add manual joint-based transitions.
Smart External Axes Management
Powerful tools are available to manage external rails/tracks and rotaries.
- Easily program the robotic cell with synchronous or indexed motion.
- Automatically identify and position the robot at the ideal start locations for an operation
- Combined and manage rotary positioners for optimal robotic motion. Easily define the best posture for robotic welding and additive manufacturing.
- Program up to 11 axes simultaneously
Visualize material deposition, removal, and spraying
While simulating the paths, visualize:
- Material deposition for welding, dispensing, additive operations
- Material removal while milling and cutting operations
- Spraying material for spraying, painting, etc.
Processor Package
Define and customize the processor to generate the robot ready code. Add process parameters to the operations, visualize them at the correct locations in the point list, then generate the robot ready code with the desired output.