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Robotmaster's Offline Programming Workflow

Whether generating robot trajectories directly within Robotmaster from a CAD model or importing CAM toolpaths, Robotmaster is a powerful and intelligent offline programming solution. With embedded process expertise, users generate robot code with confidence.

Import CAD Model

Bridge the gap between CAD/ CAM and robotics with embedded technology to seamlessly translate CAD/CAM trajectories into robot trajectories.

Generate Toolpaths

Générez des trajectoires pour la découpe, le soudage, le polissage, la pulvérisation, etc.


Load the trajectories in the robotic simulation environment.

Identify robotic errors

Identifiez automatiquement les erreurs robotiques (dépassements, limites de portée, collisions et singularités) et résolvez-les rapidement à l’aide d’une gamme d’outils puissants.

Générez le code prêt pour le robot sans erreur.

Bridge the gap between CAD/ CAM and robotics with embedded technology to seamlessly translate CAD/CAM trajectories into robot trajectories.

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Robotmaster Applications: Cutting

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